Why join the movement?

The opportunity

Most of us want to do good. We want to help others and give back.

Our movement offers an amazing opportunity for members to effectively do good over the course of their lives and leave behind a legacy that benefits the world.  

Fortunately, most of us are in a situation where we can do a huge amount of good at little cost to ourselves.  Sometimes we forget this, especially when we are preoccupied and get caught up in our busy lives.  

The Five Percent Foundation offers members an easy, innovative way to give which has a bigger impact over time than donating directly to charities. By joining our movement, our members feel encouraged knowing that their donations will continue to have an impact for decades to come.

What are the benefits?

Doing good offers many rewards to both the world and our members individually.

The benefits to the world

Giving to effective charities can have an exceptional impact on the world. Did you know that you can actually save lives by giving to the world’s most effective charities?

At the Five Percent Foundation, we select effective charities that have proven impact and published evaluations of their opportunities and impact. The proceeds from our members’ donations are put to work by these charities, who do work on the ground to address pressing global challenges: saving lives, preventing disease, providing access to education and tackling climate change.  

Also, by making the 5% pledge, you are likely to inspire others to join the movement towards effective and sustainable giving, and foster a culture of doing good in the community.

The benefits to our members

Psychological research suggests that doing good makes people feel good by producing a powerful sense of well-being and purpose. Our members report feeling proud and fulfilled knowing that they are making a difference.

Members of the Five Percent Foundation are part of a community of individuals with the same aspirations: to have a positive impact on the world in the most convenient and effective way possible.  

There are also tax benefits - all donations (above $2) to the Five Percent Foundation are tax-deductible in the year you donate.

Our members are surprised to find that they don’t even miss the 5%.

Further reading

I don't miss the extra 5% in my bank account. I love that I'm able to use my money to have a real impact on causes I care about.

Dan Poole, donating 5% since 2018

I feel a responsibility to share what I have with those that need it most. I choose to give through the Five Percent Foundation because my donations will have a lasting impact.

Evthoxia Apokis, donating 5% since 2018

The Five Percent Foundation provides me with a simple and effective way for my donations to help those in need over time. Its a no-brainer when I consider the potential impact the foundation will have to the causes I care about!

Jess jones, donating 5% since 2018

The Five Percent Foundation helps ensure my donations will forever make a positive social impact.

Will Zhong, donating 5% since 2018

Regularly donating to the Five Percent Foundation keeps me accountable in my mission to do good in the most effective way possible.

Aron mazur, donating 5% since 2018

Donating to the Five Percent Foundation just makes so much sense! I love knowing that something so simple and effortless, can have such a significant impact to those who need it most.

Heather Osborne-RIgby, donating 5% since 2021

Being a member of the Five Percent Foundation simplifies impactful giving for me and ensures that my contributions continue to make an impact forever.

Harvey Jones, donating 5% since 2018

I love that the Five Percent Foundation makes it easy to donate to multiple causes I care about whilst also showing the impact that these donations make over time!

Varun chitale, donating 5% since 2018

I donate to the Five Percent Foundation because I'm confident that the money I donate is having the greatest possible impact, and that it supports the work of incredibly effective charities.

Tom Malone, donating 5% since 2018

I love donating to the Five Percent Foundation because I know my donation will make a difference, forever.

Annabelle ritchie, donating 5% since 2019

I donate to the Five Percent Foundation because it helps me make lasting and growing contributions to the causes and charities I care about.

Ed vong, donating 5% since 2019

I love that the Five Percent Foundation allows me to make a huge difference, a little bit at a time, forever, even way after I’m gone!

ELYSE COLLAT, donating 5% since 2018

There are so many worthy causes in the world that need support. The Five Percent Foundation makes giving to these causes simple, accessible and transparent.

Georgia thomas, donating 5% since 2018

The donation that never stops giving.

Join the movement