Charity donations policy

This policy (as amended from time to time) sets out the Five Percent Foundation’s approach to distributing money to charities.

To the extent that this policy is inconsistent with our Disclaimer, Terms of Use or Privacy Policy, the terms of the Disclaimer, Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy prevail to the extent of that inconsistency.

We donate every 6 months

Every 6 months (in July and in January), we sell off the profits of our investments (adjusted for CPI) and donate those profits to the charities we support. We may donate more than the profits of any 6 month period subject to any legal requirements to donate more than the actual profits we have made in that period.

Our members advise us how to donate the profits

The Five Percent Foundation is committed, as far as possible and subject to any legal requirements, to ensuring that members are able to express which of the charities we support they would like us to donate to.   

The Five Percent Foundation will provide a shortlist of charitable partners that are effective and transparent. As a member, you can suggest new charitable partners to the Five Percent Foundation. You can see which charitable partners we currently donate to by following this link viewing this page.

If our ethical investment fund makes a profit in a 6 month period (between 1 July and 31 December, or between 1 January and 30 June, annually), then you as a member of the Foundation will be given the opportunity to indicate how you would like the Five Percent Foundation to donate the profits on the money you have donated into our charitable investment fund.

We only donate our profits, adjusting for inflation

Subject to legal requirements, as a means to ensure the Five Percent Foundation outlives us all, we only donate our ‘profits’. This means that there might be periods when we will not make any donations to our charitable partners. This could occur when our investments don’t produce a financial return (i.e. because of a market downturn). 

We also account for inflation (as determined by the Reserve Bank of Australia) to ensure your donations continue to have the same purchasing power into the future.  

However, where legal requirements (such as the Public Ancillary Fund guidelines) require us to donate more than our profits, we will donate at least as much as the minimum required.

We donate to ‘global causes’ charitable entities

This means that we have the option of donating to any charitable entity which service the following causes: 

  1. Advancing health
  2. Advancing education
  3. Advancing social or public welfare (i.e. international aid programs)
  4. Animal suffering
  5. The environment
  6. Promoting human rights (i.e. funding legal aid organisations)

The Five Percent Foundation will not support charitable entities that promote religion, culture, or public debate.

Administration costs

The Five Percent Foundation is currently able to fund 100% of our administrative costs privately, rather than out of the assets of the fund. 

We do not currently expect that this will change at any time in the near future.


I don't miss the extra 5% in my bank account. I love that I'm able to use my money to have a real impact on causes I care about.

Dan Poole, donating 5% since 2018

I feel a responsibility to share what I have with those that need it most. I choose to give through the Five Percent Foundation because my donations will have a lasting impact.

Evthoxia Apokis, donating 5% since 2018

The Five Percent Foundation provides me with a simple and effective way for my donations to help those in need over time. Its a no-brainer when I consider the potential impact the foundation will have to the causes I care about!

Jess jones, donating 5% since 2018

The Five Percent Foundation helps ensure my donations will forever make a positive social impact.

Will Zhong, donating 5% since 2018

Regularly donating to the Five Percent Foundation keeps me accountable in my mission to do good in the most effective way possible.

Aron mazur, donating 5% since 2018

Donating to the Five Percent Foundation just makes so much sense! I love knowing that something so simple and effortless, can have such a significant impact to those who need it most.

Heather Osborne-RIgby, donating 5% since 2021

Being a member of the Five Percent Foundation simplifies impactful giving for me and ensures that my contributions continue to make an impact forever.

Harvey Jones, donating 5% since 2018

I love that the Five Percent Foundation makes it easy to donate to multiple causes I care about whilst also showing the impact that these donations make over time!

Varun chitale, donating 5% since 2018

I donate to the Five Percent Foundation because I'm confident that the money I donate is having the greatest possible impact, and that it supports the work of incredibly effective charities.

Tom Malone, donating 5% since 2018

I love donating to the Five Percent Foundation because I know my donation will make a difference, forever.

Annabelle ritchie, donating 5% since 2019

I donate to the Five Percent Foundation because it helps me make lasting and growing contributions to the causes and charities I care about.

Ed vong, donating 5% since 2019

I love that the Five Percent Foundation allows me to make a huge difference, a little bit at a time, forever, even way after I’m gone!

ELYSE COLLAT, donating 5% since 2018

There are so many worthy causes in the world that need support. The Five Percent Foundation makes giving to these causes simple, accessible and transparent.

Georgia thomas, donating 5% since 2018

The donation that never stops giving.

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